Big news! FJA™ contributed to Picton Road Upgrade works
FJA™ is partnering with GHD to work on the Picton Road Upgrade project. Specifically, we are delivering concept design of utilities for the project.
About Picton Road Upgrade project:
The project is funded by the NSW Government. Picton Road is an important travel corridor between the Illawarra Region with Sydney and the Great Macarthur Growth area. It is a major east-west link between the M1 Princes Motorway and M31 Hume Motorway. The upgrades are likely to include the duplication of Picton Road, including median separation and roadside safety barriers between the Hume and Princes motorways, as well as improvements to the interchanges of Picton Road with these motorways.
Objectives of the project:
The purposes of the upgrade are to:
- enhance safety for road commuters
- improve network reliability by providing more reliable and efficient trips between Western Sydney, the Wilton Growth Area and the Illawarra-Shoalhaven to support future population and employment growth
- improve accessibility, connectivity and liveability for communities while supporting more sustainable transport choices
- improve efficiency and access for freight
- provide a resilient transport corridor that meets stakeholder expectations and aligns with sustainability practices
Planning works already started in mid 2020 and are expected to be finished by mid-2024.