FJA™ selected for Parramatta Light Rail Enabling Works
FJA™, in collaboration with Ward Civil and Dionna and TfNSW, contributed to the Parramatta Light Rail (PLR) Enabling Works project. The project will be achieved by increasing the capacity of the following surrounding roads:
- Diverting South bound and North bound traffic from Church Street to O’Connell Street, North of Factory Street
- Creating additional capacity on Victoria Road and O’Connell Street Intersection
- Diverting west bound traffic from Macquarie Street to George Street in Parramatta CBD
Parramatta Light Rail is a significant infrastructure project for the NSW Government. The purpose of PLR Enabling Works was to minimize disruption to the flow of traffic during the construction and operation of the PLR which is expected to open in 2023.
Firstly, FJA™ was engaged to undertake Detailed Design and Construction Services for the project. Specifically, we were responsible for management of utilities design team to produce and deliver 3D utilities models and value engineering papers. FJA™ worked with the contractor to innovate the designs provided by the client and increase the constructability of the project. Additionally, we worked during the site works to make amendments to designs as required. This allowed works to continue and when issues arose, we attended shutdowns to ensure works could be problem solved as they happened. Finally, we assisted throughout the tender phase and responded to queries from TfNSW.