5 Years, 5 Reflections

As a part of 5th Anniversary Celebration, our Director Jeremy Hopson noted down 5 key takeaway reflections from his journey with FJA so far. So, we made it five years. It might not seem much but I have personally never worked this hard and the stats say only a small number of businesses make it … Read more

Ten years in Australia; ten awesome things about Australia

Jeremy Hopson, Director of FJA, reflects on his journey after ten years in Australia with his ten best things about Australia.   1. The beach You can’t talk about the positive of Australia without talking about the beach. We are blessed with amazing beaches all around the island/continent. My favourites are Manly, Clontarf and Blueys … Read more

What did I learn about leadership from meeting Jocko Willink

I was lucky enough to get to listen to Jocko on the weekend. He is the author of the book Extreme Leadership which I had happened to read last month. I wanted to share the three things I took away from his compelling talk. 1. Take a step back, look around, and assess what’s happening. … Read more

My top five lessons from sport and how they relate to business

As part of my #worklifebalance and #healthybodyhealthymind strategy I undertake cycling for exercise and compete at a masters level (occasionally winning, photo). I have found that competing in sports at a high(ish) level provides many lessons for being in business and performing at a high level for our clients. Be consistent In training, my biggest … Read more